My First 42.195km

I woke up at 4am this morning, Having a quick shower, I went in search of a taxi. Reaching the holding area opposite the Padang, I tried looking for my friends but realized that I was there too early. It was only 5am. Sitting sown on the flood I started my warm ups. Eventually all my friends arrived and we made our way to the starting point. There were thousands and thousands of people when the race was flagged off. What happened over the next few hours is something I'll never forget.
The initial run was alright. A little crowded but it felt really good. Turn around point was around 7-8km. (Can't remember exactly) As I headed out of Marina South, my Ipod Nano died on me. Its not my Ipod Nano, belongs to my brother and I have no idea why it just died. Anyway, As I hit the 12km mark I suddenly felt a tingle in my left thigh. Shit! Cramp! Pushing it out of my head I made it to the 15km mark before I had to stop and stretch. Luckily, some of my friends were waiting for me there and I added like half the tube of deep heat rub. I am now a true believer of Deep Heat Rub. It really works. Carrying on, I made it to the 21km mark with out much of a problem. Taking in some strawberry power gel, I pushed on! Suddenly at the 24km mark both my legs gave way. Cramps in both my thighs, hamstring and calves took alot out of me! I really felt like giving up. But thanks to God, who without I would have never made it, I decided to carry on. I've already made it to the 24km mark, why not just finish the remaning 18km.
I have never felt such excruciating and unbearable pain in my life. I have had many soccer injuries that can rival the pain but the feelings of cramps in both legs, blisters on both feet, abrasion on my arm due to the Ipod strap and the sheer fatigue of the whole thing is very very trying.
Well, I managed to walk and run periodically when ever my legs felt better and I am proud to say that I am now officially a Finisher of the 42.195km Standard Chartered Marathon 2006.
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