Sunday, February 25, 2007

Long, long ago...

25th Feb 2002
"It was a bright sunny Monday. Standing in line, I shuffeled slowly forward. It was cramped but thankfully the trip was short. Before I knew it, I was looking out towards the blue sea. Rays of light bounced of the surface as I walked along the jetty. 1330H. My time had come."

For those who have absolutely no idea what the hell I'm talking about, 5 years ago today, I enlisted into the ARMY. Today I celebrate my 5th year anniversary in the SAF. I still find it hard to accept that it has been 5 years. Time has really flown by. It seems like only yesterday I enlisted into the ARMY. Waving good bye to my parents as they stood on the jetty. Meeting my BMT buddy, Sandeep Singh. I was from FOXTROT Coy, Platoon 3, Section 1, Bed 4. My Platoon sargent was 2SG Hay. My section SGT was 3SG Chris.

I haven't seen most of my BMT buddies since we passed out of BMT but I've bumped into some of the guys after they had
ORD-ed. BMT is the best time of any solider's life. Everyone goes in blur like hell and we all have to learn to be soliders. It was really fun. SISPEC was also fun. It was tough. Training was no joke but the experiences I had there with all my buddies can never be replaced. It was special, in a weird and demented way.

Anyway, its been 5 years for me. I've got another 5 years to go. At the rate time flies by these days, the remainder 5 years left on my contract will go by quickly. Got to enjoy it while it last!


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