Hit and run.
Yesterday, I was involved in a hit and run. Now, don't get your panties up in a bunch thinking you'll see my face plastered all over the Straits Times. I was the victim of a hit and run. Its not the normal hit and run that you may think. I was not struck down by a car or bus or bike. Some idiot hit my car and ran off. I was having lunch at North Point Shopping Centre yesterday. I parked my car at the basement car park of the shopping centre. When I returned from lunch, to my horror, someone who apparently tried to park their blue car next to mine, hit my car. The driver's side of the car was scratched and the whole area covering my tyres was covered in blue paint,long deep scratches and huge dents. The best part, the driver of the blue car that hit my car was no where in sight. He/She apparently took off after hitting my car and seeing that the damage was quite bad. So now, I have to spend a couple of hundred dollars to fix it. What a way to start the weekend. Totally bummed out!
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