Freezing my butt off...
Greetings from Colorado Springs. As many of you already know, I left for Colorado Springs last week on the 15th of Dec for holiday. I've been here 3 days already. The weather here is really cold. Last night we went carolling with some friends. I mean as in real carolling, where we actually went house to house to sing Christmas carols to people. It was a new experience for me but I totally enjoyed myself. The only down part was the weather. It was -5 degrees. It was bloody freezing cold. Today we went to go get our snowboards cos we're leaving for the mountians on thursday for a few days of skiing and snowboarding. I can't wait. The weather is cold but I'm getting used to it. Haven't done much shopping yet. will be going shopping the next few days. Anyway, just want to say hi to Jasmine. I'm glad she had fun shopping Vietnam. Anyway darling, you take care and I'll see you soon. Ciao people!
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