Saturday, November 28, 2009

Random thoughts

I don't know how many people read the papers yesterday but this is what the head- lines read; Civil Servants not getting any bonus.
Sucks doesn't it. I know that we suffered a recession this year but we have still worked hard and I believe many of us have worked even harded as with all the budget cuts and less personnel around. The worst part about it is, even though the recession has hit everyone, some friends of mine in the private sector are getting 3mths bonus. Well, I don't really know how the system works. I know they said we will be getting the usual 13mth bonus plus 0.25 of a month but its capped at $750. For a whole year of work thats all they are giving us? We did not even get our mid year bonus.
Its times like this when you start to realise that maybe these are some of the small reasons why no one wants to stay in the civil service line. There is so much more money to be earned outside and I honestly think we get treated better outside. I'm not saying work is easier outside. Work maybe harder, longer hours but you are recognised for your work. Over time has over time pay. Good work is rewarded. In the civil service line, like being a militry man like I am, you just get paid for being in whatever rank you are. No matter how much work we do, no matter how good our work is, we still get paid the same as someone who is the same rank as us but doesn't do any work.
Oh well... no point complaining. Nothing will change. Or rather, it might change but it'll take a really long time.
on another note...
Why can't people just move in when they are standing in the MRT train? I know I don't take the train often as I drive but why is it that Singaporeans are just so insensitive? When the doors open, why do the people outside block the doors and don't let anyone off and when those finally get in to the train, why can't the people move in? Why does everyone want to stand near the door? The center of the train is empty but no one will move to stand there. They just jam pack the door areas. Then when you say excuse me to try and move further in so that people will have space to enter the train, people stare at you like you're not allowed to move in and you are some wierdo.
Why can't anyone say excuse me when they need to pass through a crowed area to get some where? Its not like we are going to deliberatly try nd block your way. You stupid, kiasu Singaporeans just push your way through like you are the most important person in the world and where ever you need to go is the most important. Is it so hard to open your damn mouths and just say excuse me? This habits translates to the road too. You idiots speed and cut lanes and swerve without indicating or signaling. Why? Do you all have a death wish? Yeah, maybe you think you are skilled driver but who knows, your reckless driving might cause an accident cos another driver might try to evade you and get into a accident.
I've come to accept it. Sngaporeans will always be Singaporeans. Born inconsiderate and selfish. Impatient and rude. A disgrace if you think we want to be a first world country with first class people.


Blogger Lisa said...

Hang in there, it will get better. As for the me I know what you mean.

12:41 pm, January 29, 2010  
Blogger mkrull said...

Indeed, I work in a welfare office in Philadelphia. See my blog
We are so understaffed and we are lucky with our Gov to get 3 percent pay increases.

5:50 pm, January 29, 2010  
Blogger Hannahism said...

Hi, just want to say the situation in Hong Kong is totally in contrast with yours.
Civil servants in HK are paid high with short working hours while those in private sectors are paid low and with long working hours....

1:01 pm, February 02, 2010  
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Blogger Chandana said...


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Have a blessed reading.

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7:56 pm, March 17, 2010  
Blogger Unknown said...

It sounds like you got hard right now. I will keep you in my prayers

6:15 am, March 27, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, just passing by your blog. Trust me singapore mrt trains may prove to be a pain. But there are still nice singaporeans around which I believe are not minority. Instead of being unhappy, let us influence this little country. Smile, communicate. Make way for people. Educate people when they rush in and accidentally hit you or something, like "hey. please be patient." that's what I always do, I believe it works :)

8:33 pm, April 10, 2010  
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