Friday, January 25, 2008

from behind the clouds...

Thoughts of my amazing Christmas and New Year still linger in my mind. Snapping back to reality, you realize that Jan is almost over. In less than a week it'll be Feb and Chinese new year will be on us. I miss Christmas season. It was fabulous having all my family and friends around during thats time. Wish they were around more often. But, alas, as some of them are living overseas, I don't really get to see them much. I miss Raveen. He is off in Texas studying. I haven't seen him in over a year and I have no idea when he's coming back for a holiday. If that's not bad enough, Raj is leaving for Australia in a couple of weeks time to further his studies too. That leaves e home alone. It wasn't much fun when Raveen left. but now that Raj is leaving, its going to be really quiet at home. No one to talk too. Oh well... life goes on!
Jasmine has really gotten into the whole teaching routine. She's always staying back late in school to finish marking and having to conduct remedial classes and CCAs. I'm really happy for her as this is what she really wanted. So I'm very very happy for her.
I've been the same. Busy at work. School doesn't start for a couple more weeks, which means when it does start, its going to get really hectic. I kind of miss school. Studying in SIM is fun. When I'm at school, i feel like a real student. Hanging out at the canteen, going for lectures and tutorials. Doing tutorials and writing essays. It sorts of gives me a sense of belonging. I've always tried to run away from the stigma of being classified as a SAF regular. Its not the most interesting of conversation topics. Some times when people ask me what I'm doing now, I just tell them, I'm a student. It makes life so mush easier at times.
This year is going to be interesting. There are lots of things that are going to be happening and lots of things that I need to do. I'm not going to state them all, but I'll keep you all informed when it does happen.
Something in the near future that I am really looking forward too is INCUBUS. If you don't know what INCUBUS is, they are like the greatest band in the world. They are coming to Singapore and I want to watch their concert so bad. Its going to be at Fort Canning Hill. It is so, going to ROCK!


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