Mission Accomplished?
Many people go through a very routine and mediocre life. Go to school, get a degree, get a job, get married, start a family and live life happily ever after. I don't know if I can do that. My life so far has been relatively routine. I've been to school, I've got a full time job, am currently perusing my degree and currently in a wonderful relationship. However, I have pursued a few extra activities that has occupied a lot of my time. There are 2 things that I hold closest to my heart. They are:

1. Achieved my basic open water diving certification.
2. Achieved my level 1 climbing certification.

I know they may not be the greatest of achievements but I'm proud of them anyway. But there is a current wish list that I have that I want to complete within the next 2yrs.
1. Get my advance diver certification.
2. Get my rescue diver certification.
3. Get my level 2 climbing certification.
4. Get my climbing instructor certification.
5. Complete my degree in Mass Comm.
I know these things may sound very trivial to most of you. Many of you may even ask who bother with such things as climbing or diving. This may be due because you have never tried scuba diving or rock climbing. My life has always been sports and outdoor related activities. I love the outdoors. Sitting in an air-conditioned office everyday from 9 till 5 is boring to me. I admit, I don't have much of a choice as we all need to earn a living, but I get really restless being stuck in an office all the time. I need to go out and have fun. Many of my friends at work unwind after a hard days work by going out for a couple of beers or to a karaoke. Me? I climb. I run. I play soccer. This is my life. I book weekend trips to go diving. I love it! Maybe one day, if I'm lucky, I can open up a company that caters outdoor activities to people. Train them and teach them how to have fun.
Well, these dreams/ambitions might come true one day. But right now, I just have to carry on the daily routines of life. Working full time, studying part time and having FUN ALL THE TIME!!!

1. Achieved my basic open water diving certification.
2. Achieved my level 1 climbing certification.

I know they may not be the greatest of achievements but I'm proud of them anyway. But there is a current wish list that I have that I want to complete within the next 2yrs.
1. Get my advance diver certification.
2. Get my rescue diver certification.
3. Get my level 2 climbing certification.
4. Get my climbing instructor certification.
5. Complete my degree in Mass Comm.
I know these things may sound very trivial to most of you. Many of you may even ask who bother with such things as climbing or diving. This may be due because you have never tried scuba diving or rock climbing. My life has always been sports and outdoor related activities. I love the outdoors. Sitting in an air-conditioned office everyday from 9 till 5 is boring to me. I admit, I don't have much of a choice as we all need to earn a living, but I get really restless being stuck in an office all the time. I need to go out and have fun. Many of my friends at work unwind after a hard days work by going out for a couple of beers or to a karaoke. Me? I climb. I run. I play soccer. This is my life. I book weekend trips to go diving. I love it! Maybe one day, if I'm lucky, I can open up a company that caters outdoor activities to people. Train them and teach them how to have fun.
Well, these dreams/ambitions might come true one day. But right now, I just have to carry on the daily routines of life. Working full time, studying part time and having FUN ALL THE TIME!!!
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