Saturday, October 08, 2005

Food for your soul.

Lethargy seems to be the special of the week.
The soup of the day just so happens to be anxiety.
Add a side order of fustration and you almost have a set meal.
Quench your thirst with a glass of failure and you're satisfied.
Full yet?
How about a dessert? Yes? Wonderful.
Here you go, have a slice of optimism.

Eat your fill. Till you can eat no more. Its free anyway.
The buffet never closes. 24/7, it reads on the menu.
Gluttony is your best companion.
Indigestion, your worst enemy.
Starving is never an option.
They have everything. You name it, they'll make it for you.
Never able to fill your bottomless pit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

VeriSign Tackles the Scandal of Splog
By Lisa Vaas October 7, 2005 News Analysis: VeriSign's buy of the ping server aims to fix the sagging springs of the blogosphere, which is getting crushed beneath blog spam.
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4:25 pm, October 08, 2005  

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