Monday, June 26, 2006

Urban Dictionary

You'll never guess what I found. I happen to be surfing around and came across this online "Urban Dictionary." It just so happened that this dictionary happened to have a meaning for my name. Go to the link below and check it out. Its bloody hilarious. Try typing your name in and see what it says!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Look up and be amazed.

I don't know if many of you have noticed, but I happen to have added the flash photo spool to my blog. I think its damn cool. Haha... anyway, check out this blog if you have the time:

Its a talk cock blog. Random articles on stuff happening around you. Interesting!
Till my next blog... ciao!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

light speed

play by night

so fast its all a blur

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Failed attempts.

Tried to get a still photo of my brother, Raveen, while trying to get the rushing traffic zooming by. Managed to get the headlights effect but due to not having a tri-pod, hand unsteady thus blurred picture. Failed attempts! I'm quite sure Nur and Matin are going to laugh at my attempts to take "arty" pictures. Hahahaha....

Baby brother's big day!
