Thursday, March 19, 2009

Been busy...

Well, I guess from the last article, we can safely say that Chinese guys can't dance. This month has been an interesting. I've been trying to get back in to the rhythm of running again but my knees have been hurting again. Now its not just my old injury on the right knee but my left knee is starting to hurt when I run too. I decided to go back to see the doctor about it but i haven't got around to doing it. I'll probably go see the doc next week. Since I can't run anymore, I've decided that I'm going to take cycling more seriously. I currently ride a SCOTT Aspect 50. However a mountian bike is not going to work for what I had in mind, so I'm thinking of changing my ride. I'm looking to get the Giant OCR 3 road bike.

I'm going to sell my current bike and try to save up a little more for this bike.
Another interesting thing is me an some friends have registered for an adventure race. We have only managed to send in our registration. We are waiting to see if we are short listed and if we can actually take part in it. Anyway, thats all the news I have for now. Cheers.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Not wanting too...

Yesterday was my sweetheart's birthday. She just turned 23. I remember when I was 23... that was like 4yrs ago. Anyhow, together with some friends we went to Movida @ St James Power Station to celebrate her birthday. I've been clubbing for many years now, though not often, I have seen my fair share of horrible dancers. Don't get me wrong, I'n not saying I am some dancing guru myself. I can't tell the difference between the tango and the waltz. However, I know that I can reasonablly cough up some slick moves on the dance floor. In my many years of "dancing", I have come to one conclusion. The majority of the chinese people I have seen on the dance floor, they all cannot dance to save their lives. I mean, I know some chinese people who can really dance but the majority of them just "shake". I mean, they have no sense of rhythm. They just shake their bodies all over the place. Its comical and yet sad to a certain degree. I am a believer that when you dance,you should just close your eyes, feel the beat and move to it. Move to the rhythm of your heart. Feel the beat, feel the music and move. Dance is an expression of ourself. Its not about looking cool. If you are a good dancer, sure, you can dance to look cool. But people like me who have no formal training in dance, should just move to the beat. Try not to be soo self-concious. Don't shake. Shaking up nd down or on one foot does not translate to dancing. It just looks weird. Then again, maybe that's what your body is tellingyou to do and that's how you interprete the music. If that is so, I feel sorry for you.