Sunday, July 24, 2005

Lazy Sunday.

Light flickers through the blinds
I shield my eyes from the glare
A lazy sunday afternoon awaits me

The pain shoots through me
Like a lightning bolt through my being
I stand gingerly on one leg

Shuffling, I make my way to the door
The knob greets me with an ice cold hand shake
All of a sudden the bed seems so inviting

I battle with myself as I stand there
In the middle of no where I fight
Back to bed or to face what lies behind

My lazy sunday afternoon.

Saturday, July 23, 2005



Sometimes, I feel the fear of uncertainty stinging clear.
And I can't help but ask myself how much I'll let the fear take the wheel and steer.
It's driven me before, and it seems to have a vague, haunting mass appeal.
But lately I am beginning to find out that I should be the one behind the wheel.
Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there with open arms and open eyes.
So if I decide to waiver my chance to be one of the hive will I choose water over wine and hold my own and drive?
It's driven me before and it seems to be the way that everyone else gets around.
But lately I'm beginning to find that when I drive myself my light is found.
So whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there with open arms and open eyes.
Would you kill the Queen to crush the hive?
Would you choose water over wine.... hold the wheel and drive?

Saturday, July 16, 2005

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Greeting Ladies andGentlemen, I'm proud to announce that I'm learnt sufficenctly enough to work my own blog. For this I must thank my wonderful girlfriend once again. Jasmine, thank you for being patient enough to teach me how to use the HTML thingy.
Anyway, getting back to my life, Its been really tiring. I've been working like 14hrs a day almost every day this week. I wake up everyday at 6am and go to work and I'm usually home by 11.30pm. It sucks. It really does. The only saving grace was the trip to Sentosa with the guys. Oh well, hopefully next week is going to be better.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

One Love many GUYS!

onE LoVe maNy gUyS

Think "RESERVOIR DOGS". Remember the scene as they walked out of the diner at the start of the movie. It was like that. But instaed of 8 guys there were 10. Glasses on, bags in hand we walked. It was the guys day out. Melvin, Andy, Fir, Syafii, Matin, Jonathan, Yaddin, Yusof, Sharul and myself had a day out at Sentosa. I hate to admit it but when it all seemed like good fun for a guys day out, when we actually reached there it seemed like it became a gays day out. Anyway, it was fun. It was a sucess! Soccer, swimming, horsing around and running from the rain. It was all good. We'll definately do it again, but maybe this times we'll bring our girlfriends and female friends so that we won't seem so GAY and when we take photos it won't seem so sad. Who goes to Sentosa and when you see all the photos at the end of the day, its all guys. Not a single girl in the photo. It seems wierd. To everyone who was at Sentosa Yesterday, we shall do it again, and to all who did not turn up, better be there the next time.

Monday, July 04, 2005

My imaginary friend.

Would it be weird if I told you that I have an imaginary friend? Would that freak you out? Ok but before you just to conclusions that I'm crazy or something, hear me out. First and for most, I know there is no such thing as an imaginary friend. Why? Because they are your "IMAGINARY" friend. They are made up. Not real. Duh... Anyway my imaginary friend is more of like my conscience. I happen to have a few idiosyncrasies, and one of them is that I think out loud to myself. If I'm pondering on something or wondering what to do or how to do something, I usually think out loud. Talking to myself, helps me to think in perspective. Yes, yes... I know it sounds wierd but it works for me. That's why, I cam up with the idea of an imaginary friend. Technically I'm still talking to myself but it feels a lot more fun to pretend that you are talking to someone. Haha... okie, I guess you all think I'm officially insane now. Don't worry, I'm fine! Hee Hee.....

me in a nut shell

Born on the 11th of Sept, 1982.
Oldest of the 3 chidren.
St. Hildas Primary School.
Badminton school team player.
Track and Field school team runner.
Boys Brigade.
St.Hildas Secondary School.
Boys Brigade.
Badminton school team player.
Soccer school team player.
Singapore Polytechnic (Civil and Structural Engineering).
National Service
Signed on as a regular.
MDIS (Diploma in Mass Communication)
In a nut-shell, this is my life so far. Nothing great or fancy.
I'm just thankful for the experiences I've had and all the wonderful friends I've made along the way!