Thursday, March 22, 2007
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Points to Ponder
Do you think someone can change their ways? Take me for example? Can I change? I know I used to be a not very nice person in the past. People hated me cos I was arrogant and stuck up. I always tried to prove myself to be better than everyone else. I don't know... maybe I still am alittle like that now. I say alot of things sometimes with out thinking how others might feel. To me, I might have meant it as a joke but sometimes I say things that hurt other people's feelings. I know I have a terrible temper. I get irritated and aggitated easily, especially when others keep asking me the same question hoping for a different answer. I know I have to learn to be more patient towards other. Am I really a bad person. I do't think I'm a bad person. I don't mean anyone harm or ill will. I guess I just have to change and learn to be humble, less impatient and more tolerent of others. I know I've changed alot from last time, but I think there is more in me that I need to imporve.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
It was around 1130h, 07 Mar 07. I was busy at work when I got a sms from Vincent. For those who don't know who Vincent is, well he's my car agent. Anyway, he sms-ed me at around 1130h to inform me that the car could be picked up at 1630h. At first I was thrown back, 1630h today? Tomorrow? Day after that? Next week? I asked him when and he repied: "Today la!" I couldn't believe it. It was finally here. It actually came sooner then I expected. I was kind of hoping that it'll come before next weekend. I couldn't wait to finish work. At 1500h, when I finished work, I met Vincent and went straight down to see my car. There it stood in the shade of the afternoon sun. Shiny black looking sleek and cool. I slowly ran my finger over the bonnet. My very own car. No more borrowing other people's cars, renting of cars and worst still, early mornings just to wait for the public transport. Well, it's been one day already. Driving to and from work was fantastic. Winding down my window, I waved goodbye to my collegues as I left my camp. I love my car!
Monday, March 05, 2007
Brotherly love...
I haven't seen my brother in 2 months. Most of you should already know, Raveen is studying overseas. He's currently in Dallas, Texas. I miss him. Its weird not having him around. It funny actually... growing up, Raveen and me were not close. I actually disliked him. Why? Being the elder brother, I got blamed for eveything that he did. Apparently, I was a bad example for him. But as we grew older, we started getting along better. Going through army kind of made me more matured and I guess it was the same for him. We started talking more and we actually started going out shopping together and stuff. Raveen has always been the fashion guru. So its nice having someone to tell you what's the latest fashion, where to get them and when you do try them on, tell you if it looks good on you. Ever since he left for the United States, the house has been rater quiet. Raj, my youngest brother, is still in OCS. He graduates this coming Sat, 10th Mar 07. I'm damn proud of him. Both my parents work, Raj is in camp, Raveen is away studying so I'm stuck alone at home most of the time cos I work shift duties. It can get boring and quiet. I miss Raveen alot. Hopefully I'll see him soon, when I go over to Dallas, Texas to visit him. Till then, Take care little brother.
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Drawing nearer...

I would like to believe that everyone looks forward to their 21st Birthday Day. I know someone who is just dying to hit the big 21. In 4 days time it would be Jasmine's 21st Birthday. I know she is really, really excited. I'm very happy for her, though sometimes I don't share the same enthusiasm. I turned 21 four years ago. I know it makes me sound old and stuff. I guess I don't see what all the excitment is all about. To me, turning 21 meant even more responsibilities. But I'm not going to deny Jasmine a great party and a great time on her 21st Birthday. Jas, if you're reading this, just want to wish you a very Happy 21st Birthday in advance. Don't worry about the party k. It'll be fine. Trust me!