Saturday, June 25, 2005
I cannot imagine my life without the friends I have now. People I've known for so many years I've actually decided not to keep track of how long I've known them. To alot of people friends are superficial. To these selected few, they chose who they want to be friends with everyday. As long as they can get something out of this person they will be your "friend". To me, my friends are everything. A 100 billion trillion gazillion dollars won't be enough for me to give up my friends. All the money in the world will not be able to buy me my friends. Friendship is based on the experiences you have shared with the person over the years. I've had my ups and downs with my friends in the past but we have worked through the difficulties and the bond has grown stronger. Last night we all met up at Simpang Bedok. Its the first gathering in so long. Everyone has been so busy with work and their own lives plus a few of them have been away in Australia studying its difficult to get everyone to meet up. But, yes we finally did. 22 people in all were seated around the table last night. It was really good seeing all of them again. For once in my life I was actually speechless. I just sat there and smiled because I was so happy to see everyone again. Today we'll all be going for a BBQ. I can hardly wait. It's really good having all the guys back again.
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Lack of Nitrogen
light dances of the blue surface. like a thousand diamonds strewn across a blue pane. the sand beneath my feet is warm and fine. a cool breeze blows against my face. i close my eyes and listen. the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. the sounds of birds flying over head. the voice in my head start speaking to me again. its telling me to go. whispering to me how badly i miss it. how badly i want it. wildly throwing suggestive thoughts into my mind. i take it all in. memories flash through my mind. i slowly smile. with my eyes still closed, I smile to myself. i miss it. i thought i had satisfied my cravings. looks like its going to torment me the rest of my life. but is alright. I am willing to suffer the cravings. hopefully i can satisfy it soon.
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Marriage Blues
You know sometimes you hear people talking about when they want to get married and stuff like that. Well... Jas and I were having this conversation at Borders Bristro over the weekend. ITs funny you know, as much as we were talking about how our friend's wedding all differ from each other in small ways, it suddenly dawned on me that if i do get married in the future I'm going to be alittle troubled about what to do. Lets say for EXAMLE, if i were to marry Jas I would definately want to have my wedding at a hotel. Thats the easy part. However, as my family is indian, they are all not used to the usual 10 course chinese dinner. But then again Jas's family is chinese so they will be expecting a usual 10 course chinese dinner. I am cool with 10 course chinese dinner cos i have alot of friends and collegues who are chinese so thats okie. But how am I going to cater for my grandma and aunties and uncles... Thats the problem. Lets not even include that both Jas and myself have muslim friends... That means we also would have to cater for halal food. Damn... getting married is such a hassel. Me and Jas kinda joked that maybe we should just go to the ROM, sign the paper and finish it there and then, HAHAHAHA.... oh well... I'm glad i'm still only 22. No plans to get married anytime soon. *phew*
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
I feel like screaming.
I feel like pulling my hair out.
I feel like punching something.
I feel like punching someone.
Who are you to judge me?
Who are you to go behind my back and talk?
Who are you to stab me?
Who the fuck do you think you are?
You are blind to what I do.
You can't see a damn thing.
You are so caught up in your own world.
You confuse all that are around you.
I hope you fall!
I hope you fall flat on your face!
I hope you can disappear.
I hope I don't have to see your face!
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Unleash the Dragon
Today the dragon was unleashed. Yes, you heard it right! The dragon has been set loose. I'm sure you are smart to know that dragons don't really exist right. But this one does. Its called, Adidas Predator Pulse 2 TRX SG Dragon. I was waiting for the launch of David Beckham's new boots and this was it. It looks really good. Silver all around with white inbetween the 3 stripes. PLUS a embroidered DRAGON all around the boot. Isn't that cool or what. Of course the boots came with a price but having a weakness when it comes to shoes, I bought it! I tried them on today during the regular sunday football match. The boots are really good. Comfortable fit, good control of the ball and most important both long passing and short passing was excellent. I really cannot wait to try it out with free kicks. Its really going to bend it like Beckham.
Sunday, June 05, 2005
in the new Thank you so much.
Do you like it? I mean my BLOG. Looks cool right. The noodle boy picture, the running text that has my name on it. Its all quite nice don't you think? Well, I have a confession to make. I didn't do this blog. I mean, its my blog and I post stuff on it but I have no idea how to design it. This whole blog thingy is my wonderful girlfriend's work. Yes, its true. I have no freaking idea how to work the html thingy. I'm actually quite clueless when it comes to all this computer stuff like programming and java and html and flash and stuff like that. Well, I just wanna thank Jasmine. Without her help I won't have this cool blog site. So thank you darling. I really appreciate you helping me out with this blog.